Monday, July 16, 2012


People are stupid. Like you know we have a fucked laptop that no longer can be closed because you dropped the bitch off your bed and yet you force it closed and then don't admit to it. Like, why? I'm just not understanding. Then somehow the two chapters I had ready to put on Tuesday MAGICALLY DISAPPEARED. Like, WHY? I' just not getting it. It seems shit is always fucking up when I have dates and deadlines I'm trying to meet, and yet nobody knows shit about the problems, but there is obviously a person behind this shit. Bitches are reckless. LIKE, WHY? I'm just not comprehending. People are stupid. LIKE, WHY? I'M JUST NOT FUCKING UNDERSTANDING IT. I guess I'm stupid too, then.

Saturday, July 7, 2012


Alright, Alright, Alrighttttttt!

Okay so heres the got damn deal. My ass has been gone wayyyy too fucking long!! And I APOLOGIZE! Because that was a bullshit move and I am truly sorry! That being said I'm ready to jump my ass back into this story and get it the fuck on! I have about 30 FLY ASS followers and I'm aiming to please yall :)

Sooooo I'm gonna update by Wednesday, if not before. Keep In Mind I'm writing like five fanfics at a time and I'm completely sorry for the wait!

Hit me with ANY ideas, suggestions, thoughts, fantasies, just ANYTHING you may have in mind for the story. This is for y'all and I'ma need some ideas to make it happen. I suffer from a lil ole thing called writers block and that would help a lot!

Comments... I don't get too many, but thats fine. I will need 4 comments after any new chapters I post if you want an update. Sorry, not sorry. I need to know what you guys think about the story and where its going.

Follow Me On Twitter ---->> @FuckYoFavs

You can hit me up on there regarding the fanfic! I will post a lot of info on there and stuff like that.

I will follow back.

I Have A Chrianna, and Tyga x Honey Cocaine fanfic in progress. Hit me up regarding that too.


And shout out to Deze! SORRRRRRYYY I went M.I.A. , but I def still read your story :)